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Lessons Learned in Unit Testing Session - DDD8

31 Jan 2010

DDD8  was a lot of fun!

I really didn’t know what to expect and it turned out great, and got to a few talks ( not as many as I wanted tho) and met personally a lot of really interesting people.

Moving on swiftly to the meaty bit of the post:

I’ve  uploaded the code and slides to github, I m hoping I can improve this samples with time, if there is anything wrong apologies in advance, first time using git as a committing to a project so I m bound to get it wrong. Looking forward to James Gregory E-Van on git so I can learn more on the topic :).

I’m sure I ll look at the code sometime later and think OMG! how did I dare to present this in public, but I guess is the nature of the beast :).

If you saw the talk please let me know what you think, as I would appreciate any feedback, particularly the parts that I can make better. So far I the feedback I have is:

I posted the code in the same way I presented it, this means there is a OrderService_version1, 2 and 3, hopefully you can follow the code pretty much as we did it in the talk.

There was some  questions, and I said I ll post some links here:


- TDD by Example by Kent Beck, a very hands on approach highly recomended.


During the talk I was using

Unit testing frameworks:



Mocking Frameworks:


Other tools  mentioned:

-Rhino  Mocks: Possibly the most used Mocking Framework

-NCommon: General purpose library, definitely worth a check

-Ninject: IoC container ( there is also .. Ninject.MVC that helps you wire up the dependencies of your controllers on they fly, very useful )

-Windsor: IoC container

If there are any questions or comments, please do let me know

Thanks to the organizers and everyone there, it was a wonderful experience that I m hoping to repeat.



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